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Credential Programs >> Welding
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AFT Welding


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Hobby Welding »

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CWT 224 001

Start date: 05/10/25

8 Seats Left

Weekly - Sat 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM (5/10/2025-5/17/2025)

2 sessions.

Days of the Week: Weekly - Sat .

Tuition: $150.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location : Bullhead City, Bullhead Location : 
  Bullhead City, Bullhead.

Please read: Must wear closed toe shoes or boots

Instructor : Zachary Drew 

How to TIG Weld »

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CWT 223 110

Start date: 01/01/25

99 Seats Left

Weekly - Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (1/1/2025-6/30/2025)

Days of the Week: Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri .

Tuition: $349.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location : Kingman, Kingman Location : 
  Kingman, Kingman.

Please read: You must notify MCC Community Ed Manager ...More

Instructor : James Hill 

CWT 223 110

Start date: 01/01/25

99 Seats Left

Weekly - Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (1/1/2025-6/30/2025)

Days of the Week: Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri .

Tuition: $400.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Location : Kingman, Kingman Location : 
  Kingman, Kingman.

Please read: You must notify MCC Community Ed Manager ...More

Instructor : James Hill 

Welding Fundamentals »

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